Larry Carlton - Goodbye

It's incredible how, even without lyrics, a song can convey a particular message so strongly

The title couldn’t be more appropriate, but the track goes beyond just saying goodbye. More importantly, it also implies a message of gratitude, an appreciation of every good moment before saying farewell. 

My story with this song started many years ago, and the bond, somewhat ironically, solidified when we split up with a girl I was dating back then. 

She was a really honest person, one of those people with no second intentions, kind of naked emotionally. Life hadn't been easy for her but she was really strong and resilient, and she was working hard to overcome all the adversities that life presented. I really admired her. When we met I was really captivated and felt the need to somehow lighten her burden. 

We were both young but she was much more mature than I was. Our relationship was good, we didn’t have any strong arguments, so there was no relationship crisis but eventually it didn’t work out. 

Unlike some other previous breakups in other relationships, that time it was my decision, and, despite it might seem contradictory, I went through a mourning process. So In the following days I spent many hours laying on my bed thinking about her with music in the background, and when this track randomly started playing it immediately resonated with my state of mind, so I put it on repeat, over and over. It really kept me company and helped me in the process of letting go.

Since then I come back to this song in times of loss or pain, as it gives me peace, it does lighten the burden and helps me to get in the way of acceptance, often an inevitable step to move forward in a healthy way.

It’s been many years since the last time I saw her, somebody told me that she moved to the UK a few years ago. I don't know if she is still there, but I do hope that, wherever she is right now, she is happy.



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